One of the most powerful lobbyists groups in the country has filed a lawsuit challenging a Texas law, which does not allow anyone under the age of 21 to buy a gun or carry a concealed weapon, as being unconstitutional. Mike Ward’s article “NRA Opens new front in guns rights battle” appears in the November 25th 2010, issue of the Austin American Statesman.
According to Ward, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has filed a lawsuit to allow 18-20 year-olds the right to buy guns and then allow those guns to be carried as concealed weapons. He quotes Chris Cox, the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, as saying, “ The U.S Supreme Court clearly stated that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for all law-abiding Americans…That right is not limited only to Americans 21 years of age and older.”
Ward also quotes Daniel Vice, senior attorney for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence “This is an unprecedented attempt to arm teenagers … even though most states currently restrict them from carrying a concealed weapon … teen gang members could buy guns if this law is changed.”
Both sides have very good arguments and I’m sure this will end up in the U.S. Supreme court. This fight will have the same argument as the fight for the right to give 18’s the right to vote. If they are old enough to fight for this country then they are old enough to vote or buy guns. Even though I hate to admit it, because if it was up to me nobody but hunters and military would own guns, I think the NRA has a valid point. The age of accountability is 18 in this country and other constitutional rights are protected at this age. If the U.S. Supreme court has stated law abiding citizens have the right to bear arms then I see no reason why that ruling should not apply to all law abiding citizens who can be held accountable for their choices.